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Hajj in the light of hadith
1. Hazrat abu hurairah radiallaahuta’laanhu narrated that: While addressing us the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: '0h people! haj has been enjoined upon you so perform haj.' A man asked: 'Isit every year? 0h Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alaihi wasallam? He sallallaahu alaihi wasallam remained silent, until the man asked it three times. then the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: 'Had I said yes, it would have become obligatory and you would not have been able to do it.' then the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: Don’t question me till I explain you anything for those who came before you were doomed because of their profuse questioning and opposing their Prophets. Hence,when I command youto do something then do as much of it as you can and if when I forbid you from doing something then refrain from it. (sahihmuslim,al-hajj,chapter:73,vol.3, p.487,Ḥadīš:1337,Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)

2. Hazrat syedna abu hurairah radiallahuanhu narrated that Allah's Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wasallam was asked: "What is the best deed? "He sallallaahu alaihi wasallam replied: "To believe in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). the questioner then asked: "What is the next (in goodness)? "Hesallallaahu alaihi wasallam replied: "To participate in Jihad for Allah's Cause. the questioner again asked: "What is the next (in goodness)? "He saallallaahu alaihi wasallam replied: "To perform haj (pilgrimage to makkah) mabrür (which would be accepted by Allah and has been performed with the intention of only seeking Allah's pleasure and not to show off and in accordance with the Sunnaof the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) without any sin thereof. (sahihbukhari,aleman, chapter:18, vol. 1, p. 67, Ḥadīš 26,Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)

3. Hazrat syedna abu hurairah radiallahuanhu narrated that the Prophet  sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever performs haj only for Allah's sake and did not indulge in intercourse with his wife and did not do evil deeds or commits sins then he will return as if he was born anew (after haj free from all sins)." (sahihbukhari,al hajj, chapter: 04, vol.1, p.346, Ḥadīš 1521, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)

4. Hazrat syedna abu hurairah radiallahuanhu narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: "From one umrah to the next is an expiation for whatever (of sin) comes in between and an accepted haj (Al-hajjul-Mabrur) brings no reward but Paradise." (sahihmuslim, al-hajj, chapter: 79, vol.3, p. 500, Ḥadīš: 1349, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)

5. Hadrat syedna amar bin aas radiallahuanhu narrates that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: “Islam eradicates the sins committed during the time of disbelief hijrah (the migration) eliminates the previous sins and the haj destroys the sins committed earlier. (sahih muslim, al-eman, chapter:54, vol.1, p. 209, Ḥadees: 121,Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)

6. It was narrated from Umm-e-Salmah that the holy Messenger of Allah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: “haj is the jihad of every weak person.” (Sunan ibne majah, al-manasik, chapter: 25, vol.4, p. 126, Ḥadīš: 2902,  Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)

7. HadratSyedahtana, Ummul-Momineen Ayesha SiddeequaRadiallahuta’laanha narrates that  “I asked in the court of Prophethood:  Oh, Prophet  sallallaahualaihiwasallam!  Is Jihad obligatory on women?”  The prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “Yes.  An obligatory Jihad upon them is the one where there is no fighting, that is Hajj and Umrah.(Sunanibnmajah, al manasik, chapter: 25, vol.4, p.126, Ḥadīš: 2901,MaktabaDar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)


8. HadratSyedahtana, Ummul-Momineen Ayesha SiddeequaRadiallahuta’laanha narrates that “When I asked permission from the Prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam  to participate in Jihad, he sallallaahualaihiwasallam informed saying that, “Your jihad is (the performance of) Hajj.” (Pilgrimage to Makkah).(sahihbukhari, book: jihad and siyer,chapter: 62,vol.4,p.89,Ḥadīš2875,Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)


9.     HadratSyedna Abdullah Bin MasoodRadiallahuta’laanhu narrates that the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “Hajj and Umrah remove the poverty and sins in the way the impurities from iron, gold and silver are removed by the kiln, and the virtue of an acceptable hajj is just the paradise.(Sunantirmizi, chapter: abwabul hajj, fil hajj walumrah, vol.2, p. 237, Ḥadīš :810 ,Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)


10.   Narrated HadratSyednaIbn 'Abbas Radiallahuanhu narrated that when the holy  Prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam, returned after performing  his  Hajj, he sallallaahualaihiwasallam asked Umm Sinan Al-Ansariyah, "What  forbade  you from performing Hajj?"  She replied, "The father of so-and-so (i.e., her husband) had two camels and he performed Hajj on one of them, and the second is used for the irrigation of our land."  The Prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam  said (to her) ,"Perform  'Umrain the month of Ramadan, as it is equivalent  to performing Hajj with me (in reward) ."(sahihbukhari,book:penalty for hunting,chapter:26,vol.3,p.65,Ḥadīš 1863,Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Riyadh-2007)


11.   HadratSyedna Abu MoosaAsh’ariRadiallahuta’alaanhunarrates a hadith from the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam that a Haji would intercede for 400 members from his family and he himself would be free from all sins, as if he has born on that day. (Musnad-ul-Bazzār, vol. 8, pp. 169, Ḥadīš 3196)


12.   HadratSyedna Abu HurairahRadiallaahuta’alaanhu narrates that  I heard our holy prophet Abu Qasimsallallaahualaihiwasallam saying, “Whoever comes riding a camel with the intention of visit to the House of Allah, the holy Ka’bah, Allahuta’la writes one virtue each for the steps of the camel, eradicates one sin and upgrades one stage, till such time that he reaches the holy Ka’bah then performs Tawaf (circumambulation) and performs Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah, then gets his head shaved or shortens the hair, then he becomes free from all sins, as if he was on the day of his birth.

(Shoab al-Eimaan, BalfilManasik, Bab Fadhal al-Hajj walUmrah, Al-hadith : 4115, Volume 3, Page 478)


13.   HadratZazaan narrates that one day when HadratSyednaAbullah Bin Abbas Radiallahuta’aanhu fell ill, he gathered his progeny and said, “I had heard the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam saying that whoever performs Hajj by walk (without riding) from Makkah and returns, for each of his steps seven hundred virtues to the level of the virtues at the Holy Haram would be written for him.  Someone asked, what is the quantity of virtues at the holy Haram?  The holy Prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “every virtue is equal to one lakh (one hundred thousand) virtues.

(Al-Mustadrik al-haakim, Kitab al-Manasik, Bab fadheelatul Hajj maashia, al-hadith: 1735, Volume 2, page 114)


14.   HadratSyedna Jabir Radiallahuta’laanhu narrates that the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “Those who performs Hajj and Umrah are deputed by Allah the Glorious!  Allah the Glorious has invited them and they have been present.  They beseeched Allah the Glorious about this, Who in turn had granted this to them.

(Majma al-zawaid, babdua al-hujjajwalumaar, al-hadith 5388, Volume 3, Page 484)


15.    Hadratsyedna Abu Hurairahraziallahuta’laanhu narrates that the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “A Haji is forgiven and for whomsoever he seeks pardon, he had also been forgiven.

(“Majma al-zawaid”, babdua al-hujjajwalumaar, al-hadith 5287, Volume 3, Page 473)



16.   HadratSyedna Abdullah Bin Abbas Radiallahuta’alaanhuma narrates that the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “Perform the Fardh Hajj (obligatory Hajj) enjoined upon you, promptly because none of you knew as to what would happen next.

(Al-Targheebwal-tarheeb, kitab al-hajj, al-targheebfil haj was Umrah, al-hadith 26, volume 3, page 109)


17.   HadratSyedna Abu Zarraziallahuta’laanhu narrates that the beloved holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam  said, “the Prophet Dawoodalaihis salaam said (in the Court of Allah, the All-mighty) Oh Allah!  When your slaves make their presence in your House on a visit, what  would you bestow them with?”  Allah, the Glorious said, “To whomever a person goes on a visit, he has certain rights over the visitor.  Oh Dawood!  I have merciful responsibility on the person who makes a visit to my house that I give them peace and welfare in the world and when they meet me, I would pardon them.

(Majma al-zavaaed, Bab fadhal al-Haj walUmrah, al-hadith 5271, Volume 3, Page 478)



18.   HadratSyedna  Abdullah Bin Umar Radiallahuta’laanhuma narrates that  when he was present in the mosque of Mina in the service of the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam, an Ansari and a Saqfi came to the service of the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam and after wishing him with salaam said, “Oh Messenger of Allah, sallallaahualaihiwasallam!  We are here in the majesty’s court  to ask you something.”   The holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “If both of you wish, I could tell you as to what you have come to ask me, or if you wish, I would not tell, you could ask.”   They said, “Oh the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam!  Just you say about it, so that our faith and belief may get upgraded.  The Ansari requested the Saqfi to ask about it.  Saqfi said, you ask about it because I did not know about the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam more than you.  Hence, the Ansari asked, “Oh the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahualaihiwasallam, just you say.  The holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “You both have made your presence here to ask about  going to the Haram, the house of Allah from your home and its virtue, thereafter performing Tawaf (circumambulation) and virtues for that, after the Tawaf, virtues for praying two rakahs,  performing Sa’ee between Safa and Marwa and  its virtues, staying at the evening of Arafah, and the virtues thereof, performing Rami to the jamrat and the virtues for that, giving sacrifice and the virtues thereof, doing Halaqa and its virtues,  after that performing TawafZiarah or TawafIfadah, (Circumambulation of visit)  and the virtues for that.”  The Ansari confirmed saying, “By the One Who has sent you sallallaahualaihiwasallam, with the Truth, I am here present only for those questions.   He (the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam replying to this) said, “When you move out of your home with the intention of going to the holy Haram, the House of Allah, you will get one virtue each on the rising and keeping of the steps of your camel and your sins will be pardoned on each step, and one of your level would be upgraded.  Praying two rakahs after Tawaf (circumambulation) are like you have freed a slave from the progeny of Ismail alahis salaam, and the Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah equals to freeing seventy slaves.  Staying in the eve of Arafah is eventually  Allah the Glorious makes His light shine on the first heaven (sky) of the world and taking pride towards you, declares before the angels saying, “my slaves with their dirty heads and with expectation have present here from places afar,  if your sins are equal to the counts of the sand, equal to the rain drops and equal to the bubbles of the ocean, I will pardon all of them.  Oh my slaves! Return! You are pardoned, and also the one for whom you interceded.  For performing Rami on the Jamrat, for every pebble, one such a bigger sinwhich is about to kill you would be eradicated.  Giving sacrifice is like keeping treasure with your Majesty, the Sustainer.  On getting the head shaved, one virtue would be written, eradicating one sin for each hair. After this, the state of Tawaf (Circumambulation) of the house of Allah the All-Mighty is such that, once it is completed, there wouldn’t  be any sin remaining with you.  One angel would come and keeping his hands between your shoulders would say, perform deeds for the future, your past sins have been pardoned.

(Kitab al-hajj, babmaja fi jam’a al-asaabee’ waraka’ti at-tawaf, ilkh, al-hadith 2540, Volume 3, Page 478)


19.   HadratSyena Abu Hurairahraehiallahuta’laanhu narrates that the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “The one who started for Hajj and died, then virtues of Hajj till the day of Qiyamah would be written for him.  The one who started for Umrah and died, then the virtues of Umrah till the day of Qiyamah would be written for him, and the one who participated in jihad and died, the virtues of a Ghazi (conqueror) would be written for him till the day of Qiyamah.

(SanadAbi, Ya’li, MusnadAbiHurairahRadiallahuanhu, al-hadith 6327, Volume 5, page 441)


20.   HadradSyedahtenaUmmulMomineenSiddiquaraziallahuta’laanha narrates that the prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “Whoever sets forth for Hajj or Umrah and died, there would be no remand nor account for him but it would be said to him : “Enter you in the Paradise.”

(Al-Mu’ajjam al-Aousath, Bab-al-Meem, al-hadith 5388, Volume 4, Page 111)


21.   HadratSyednaJaabirRadiallahuta’laanhu narrates that the prophet sallallaahualaihiwasalaam said: “This house (that the House of Allah, the Ka’bah) is one of the pillars of Islam.  Hence, whoever performs Hajj or Umrah he would be in the safe custody of Allah, the Glorious, if he dies, Allahuta’lawould make him enter the Paradise, and if Allah the Glorious sends him back home, he would be given the rewards and blessing on his return.

(Al-Mu’ajjam al-Aousath, Bab-al-Meem, al-hadith 9033, Volume 6, Page 354)



22.   HadratSyednaAbiAmamahRadiallahuta’laanhu narrates that the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “If neither the prevailing situations stop a person from performing the Hajj, nor a tyrant monarch or any severe illness, even though if he dies without performing the Hajj, he would be free to die as a Jew or a Christian.

(Sunan al-Darmikitab Al-Manasik, Bab mim-maathwalamyahhij, al-hadith 1785, Volume 2, Page 45)

23.   HadratSyednaIbn Umar Radiallahuta’alaanhuma narrates that a person stood in the court of the holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam and asked, “Oh Messenger of Allah, sallallaahualaihiwasallam, what  makes  the Hajj to become wajib (obligatory)?’  The Prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “Provisions and means of conveyance”.

(Jamia Al-Tirmizi, Abwabul Hajj, Bab Maja Fi Eijaabul Hajj bizzawadAr-raahila, al-hadith 813, Volume 3, Page 219)


24.   HadratSyedna Abu BakrSiddiqueRadiallahuta’laanhu narrates that someone asked, “Oh the  holy prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam, “How the Haji should be?”  The prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “With untidy hair and dirty.”  Another person asked, “Oh the prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam, which rite of Hajj is the best?”  The prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “Saying Labbaik loudly and giving sacrifice.  Yet some other person asked, “What is Sabeel?”  The prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam said, “Provisions and conveyance.”

(Sharah al-sanatalilbaghvi, kitaab al-hajj, baajwajoob al-hajj… ilkh, al-hadith 1840, Volume 4, Page 9)


25.   HadrartSyedahtanaUmmulMo’mineen Umm Salma Radiallahuta’laanha narrates that she heard the prophet sallallaahualaihiwasallam saying, “For the one who wears Ihram for Hajj or Umrah and comes from the Mosque Aqsa to the Mosque of the holy Haram, all his sins, previous and the forthcoming  would be pardoned or the paradise becomes wajib (obligatory) for him.

(SunanIbnMaja, Kitab Al-Manasik, Bab min Ahl bi-Umrah min Baith al-Muqaddas, al-jhadith : 3002, Volume 2, Page 999)